Meridian House Engagement Session | Lieb Photographic | N&A


Feb 19, 2024

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You wouldn’t have guessed that this Meridian House engagement session was in February because the sun created a warm glow outside and the interior of this historical house was warm and inviting. It was the perfect day with mild temperatures and soft sunlight pouring through the large picturesque windows at Meridian. And of course, “N and A” are the most charming couple!

Meridian House Engagement

The two met on Hinge in March 2020, right as the world was “shutting down”. In fact, one their first dates at the time was a “social distancing” date via FaceTime. As “N” recalls, “since everything was closed, we didn’t have a whole lot of date options and spent those early days watching the signature pandemic shows like Tiger King and 90 Day Fiance.”

Meridian House Engagement

“A” echos “N” by stating that “it felt so natural – we had a great time just chatting and getting to know one another. When we finally met in person, we watched the pandemic binge-worthy shows…I waited until she was about to leave to kiss her, but it was electric. I couldn’t wait to see her again. Although we weren’t able to go on traditional dates the first few months we were dating, we got to spend a lot of quality time together and learn about each other.”

Meridian House Engagement

As “N” recalls, “as the world started opening up, we began to embark on new adventures together.” Those adventures included visiting Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Denver, Cheyanne and Albuquerque, the Badlands, Zion National Park, Boston, Portsmouth, Acadia National Park, Burlington, the Great Sand Dunes and the Grand Canyon. And the early days of their relationship were spent at “someone’s house, spending hours talking about all things silly and serious” so their adventures just felt like “an extension of that with more scenery.”

“A” is quick to say, “We share a lot of the same values; this was evident though her interactions with family and friends. She loves to spark conversation with my family with questions that engage and make people think; it’s funny that I’ve learned a lot about my own family through her interactions with them. She is also super caring for her parents and is an excellent friend to others. A great planner, a thoughtful gift giver, and a wonderful partner – I can honestly say that it took me too long to say ‘I love you,’ when it was a fact I knew much sooner than I said it. Over the years, we’ve had so many great adventures.”

Meridian House Engagement

“A” proposed on the second day of one of these adventurous trips in a gorgeous mountain town called Grindelwald, Switzerland. He coordinated with one of “N”‘s best friends who lived in Switzerland at the time to propose at the end of a rather grueling hike (at least for “N”). “N” recalls that it was well worth it in the end.

Meridian House Engagement

“With the Swiss Alps as our backdrop and the sound of cowbells and cheering tourists around them, I said yes to marrying my best friend.” “A” adds to the account, stating, “We were out for a picnic on Lake Geneva with her friend and his husband; she walked away and I finally had a chance to clue them in to what I was planning. We excitedly spent a few minutes scheming on when and where I should propose. Of course nothing went to plan; however, they were agile and prepared. Out at Grindewald, First Mountain a few opportunities came and went, none feeling like the right moment. A hike to the mountain lake was suggested and I knew that would be the spot, as long as she didn’t notice the ring in my pocket first.”

Meridian House Engagement

“Although the hike was almost derailed due to a challenge beginning to the hike, we made it to the most beautiful view in the Swiss Alps. There I suggested she take a picture facing the mountains, I approached her from behind and got down on one knee. We had a small crowd of other hikers and Swiss cows celebrate with us as we popped a bottle of rose and enjoyed the moment.”

“N and A” are both from Northern Virginia and love their fur baby, Kylo and N has also fostered bunnies for a few years, with “A” making many bunny friends along the way. Since they began dating, “A” has also embraced “N”‘s Persian culture, learning the language, enjoying the holidays and customs, and eating plenty of delicious Persian cuisine. The rate at which “N” has hiked, camped and bowled has drastically increased since meeting “A”!

I can’t wait to serve these two later this year at their Morais Vineyards wedding! Keep scrolling for more highlights from their fabulous Meridian House engagement session!

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